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I started this blog with the belief that blended and step families need a place where they are supported and understood. Having been raised in a blended family, I understand all too well how difficult the dynamics can be. My parents are a second marriage and both of them brought children from exes into the marriage. I am their only “ours” child. This space is designed to be a positive, supporting environment where blended families can get the tools and resources necessary to work through their unique issues and thrive through the storms that are sure to come.

By training I am a financial planning attorney. My practice, Reflections Life Planning, is a financial and estate planning firm that focuses on helping blended families with adult children and the adult children of blended families to build the life and legacy that they deserve. I am a mother of 3 adult children. My nuclear family failed (first two children’s father), my first attempt at blending failed (youngest child’s father), and now I am on the journey again to blend with my current fiance and his two children. This time I am determined to get it right!

In the context of blended families, financial and estate planning are a lot more complex. How do you blend finances if at all? How do you determine who gets what in the event of the death of one or both spouses? How do you handle assets that you had prior to the marriage? What if there is a large age gap between the new spouses? What if there is a huge financial gap between the spouses? Who makes medical decisions if one or both spouses were to become incapacitated? How do you handle inheritances from other family members? How do you work through the inevitable fighting that happens over the step and biological children? How do you determine whether or not you need a prenuptial agreement?

These and many other questions will be answered through this blog. I will also create courses, books and materials to help you navigate the financial and legacy aspects of things as you go on this blended journey.

I encourage you to get involved, get your questions answered, make suggestions for content that you would like to see and invite others to participate in our forum. Buckle up and let’s support each other in getting this blended family thing down packed.

FB & IG: @reflectionslifeplanning


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Reflections Life Planing LLC 

1934 Old Gallows Ste

Suite 350

Vienna, VA 22182


703- 752 -6196

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