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Looking for the Best Way to Protect Your Minor Children? Try The Kids Protection Plan®

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

Raising children is a huge responsibility unparalleled by any other profession or position. The title Mom or Dad comes with the weight of the world. You want to give them the best chance at growing up to be productive citizens of society and it all starts at home.

Have you ever seen a child’s behavior and said to yourself or aloud, he/she has no home training? But what happens when what used to be home comes to a crashing halt? When mom and dad had every intention of coming home to continue caring for their beloved children, but an event beyond their control has prevented them from doing so?

It Can Happen to You No one likes to think that something unexpected might happen to them. Although we know it happens to others just like us every day. Think about it, mom and dad are out on a date and the kids are at home with the babysitter. They are involved in an accident and mom and dad do not make it home from their night out.

When mom and dad fail to return the babysitter calls and calls, but no one is there to answer. The police are summoned and no one knows what to do. Since no one has the written, legal authority to take the children while the authorities figure out what to do, the police have to take the children into the care of Child Protective Services. Then there are other stories where children are placed in the care of people they barely know, or that the parents would not choose, just because they are a blood relative, and the parents did not have a plan in place that dictated who should take on this incredible responsibility. 

In still other cases, we see the fallout from family fights that are created when mom and dad did not make a plan, and the family disagrees on who should care for the kids. In the worst cases, when there is no family available, we see kids get placed with and raised by total strangers.

In every case, when mom and dad do not decide and legally document who should care for their kids, it is left up to a judge to make the decision.

Do not Leave the Decision Up to a Judge We know that no parent would ever want this to happen to their children (or grandchildren, nieces, or nephews). And this is where a Kids Protection Plan® can ensure that it never does.

Developed by a nationally recognized attorney, who is a mom herself, the Kids Protection Plan® provides moms (and dads) with the legal planning tools needed to make sure there is never a question about who will take care of their kids if they are in an accident or suffer some other life-threatening calamity. The full plan includes all of the following:

  1. Legal documents to name short-term guardians, who can be there immediately for your children, so they will never be taken into the arms of strangers or anyone you would not want. Not even for a moment.

  2. Letters to the people you name as short-term guardians, so the people you have named will know just what to do if called upon.

  3. Instructions to everyone who takes care of your kids as to exactly what to do if you are incapacitated, so there is never any question about what to do or who to call.

  4. Legal documents to name long-term guardians, who will raise your children just as you would, so there is no family feuding over your children.

  5. Letters to your long-term guardians, letting them know exactly what to do if called upon.

  6. Instructions and guidelines for your long-term guardians on how you want your kids to be raised to ensure your kids are raised with your values, insights, stories, and experience.

  7. Medical powers of attorney for your minor children, so the next time they travel without you or you travel without them, you know they will get the medical care they need.

  8. A custom, personalized I.D. card for your wallet stating that you have minor children at home and who should be contacted if you are in an accident.

Put Your Kids Protection Plan® In Place Today As your lawyer, I am one of the few lawyers in the world licensed to prepare a Kids Protection Plan® for your family. Even if mom and dad have already taken steps to create a basic plan, such as having a will that names legal guardians for the children, that is likely not enough to truly protect them. In fact, we have found that in most cases, even parents who worked with a lawyer to name legal guardians have made at least one of six common mistakes that leave their children at risk. These mistakes are made because unfortunately, most lawyers simply do not know what is necessary for planning and ensuring the well-being and care of minor children.

Here is How To Get Started ⇒ If you have not taken any action at all, we have created an easy-to-use and 100% FREE website, that you can visit to take the first steps to create legal documents naming long-term guardians for your children to ensure that should anything happen, your kids would be cared for by the people you would want in exactly the way you would want. Do it here now: 

Afterward, call us to schedule a Family Wealth Planning Session, where we will put the full Kids Protection Plan® in place, and determine if there is anything else your family might need to ensure the well-being and care of your children no matter what happens.

⇒ If you have already named long-term guardians in your will, either on your own or with a lawyer, we can review your existing legal documents to see whether you have made any of the six common mistakes that could leave your kids at risk, and then revise your plan to ensure the children are fully protected.

This article is a service of Reflections Life Planning LLC. We do not just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Family Wealth Planning Session™, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before, and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule a Family Wealth Planning Session and mention this article to find out how to get this $750 session at no charge.

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